Got some new perspective to my doing, being, and staying. Having argued with the boss - again - I warned that I'm also seeing someone else, For Your Information. The boss couldn't spell out any outright disapproval, but it could be read from the face, surmounting disappointment that can only be expressed with stunned silence. Yeap, got the message, although it doesn't affect my decision. I am searching TLC at some other place.

A little progress on the academic front, every once in a while. On the physical side, the academic foreplay continues intense, on the psychological side - underscoring the word choice 'psychological' - a mini enlightenment hit me today at one o'clock pm. The meaning of research in this branch of science. The end goal in my doing, being, and staying. Actually there is always one! Me and my fellow researchers, let us be thankful for this free lunch in our discipline, while scholars of other fields are still questioning the existence of relevance in their products. Our time saved in seeking substance in our work shall be invested in advancing the run. Today, I found a goal, yet it is a dinosaur goal, as I needed a tiny goal. Have to keep up working on finding the Lilliputian goal. Meanwhile, I'm pretty happy about my new perspective. A big idea day, finally.

* Acknowledgments of the day: the hongkongian hugger. Oh! and the cool colleague with his funniest real-life clip. Haven't laughed as hard for ages!